Emailed Channeled Message
Direct message from TE-EL and my Spirit Guides
Channeling Sessions are a special connection between yourself and non-physical LoveLight consciousness who provide guidance through the Christed Crystalline White Light of SourceGod. These email sessions are for when you have 1 question you want answered in-depth or 2-3 short questions you want briefly answered.
Remember, most people want the Divine to tell them what to do or give them specific information about themselves (such as their Galactic heritage), but any Divine Being of LoveLight will never tell you what to do or any specifics about yourself. That is YOUR journey to discover. A Divine Being of LoveLight can give you nudges and hints for you to follow because life is all about following the breadcrumbs on the trail, but it is up to you to do the work for your own path of self-discovery.
It is recommended to avoid someone who tells you anything about who you are or what your future will be.
Take note, if you ask "what can you tell me that is for my Highest Good" or "what is my life purpose" or "what type of job should I have" or "what important information do you have for me right now" or anything like that, you will not receive any type of useful answer. All of these examples of questions are against your free will because it is YOUR job to figure out what YOU want. The Divine is happy to guide you after you tell the Divine what it is you want.
What will I receive?
You can choose from either a written channeling or a video channeling. The written channeling is on average 3-4 pages long, depending upon the information required to provide to you for your highest good. If you choose the video channeling, your video will be approximately 20 minutes long and made specifically for you.
There is never a right or wrong choice as to which type of channeling is best for you. Follow your inspiration. Usually within 1 week of receiving your submitted question, you will receive an email from keren@kerenquennel.com that contains the link to download your channeling. Ensure you check your spam folder.
How to order a session?
Payment is to be made through PayPal or Stripe. After submitting your payment, use the contact form below to write your question that you want answered. You will receive your video or written channeling usually within 1 week. You will be notified if there happens to be a delay in sending your channeling. Make sure you keep checking your spam folder for any emails from keren@kerenquennel.com.
How to interpret the channeling?
These channelings are beyond our normal linear thinking. It is strongly recommended to re-read the channeling or to re-watch the videos many times. Just as it takes multiple exercise sessions to build muscle, the same is true for evolving our consciousness. Each time you connect to the channeling, a new layer of information is opened up to you. Allow the momentum of the information to build within your consciousness. Sometimes the most profound information can be presented in extremely simple ways but yet take a long time for its truth to change us.
How will my life change from the channeling?
Only those who are willing to take a leap of faith will receive big changes in their life. Are you willing to invest in yourself, in your future, in who you TRULY are? If you choose to take that leap, then you have started the vibration of momentum of change!! Congratulations! I took that leap of faith myself, so I understand what you are experiencing right now. I promise you, taking that leap is worth it!
My friend, change starts off slow, but then the momentum takes over. Change is rarely easy and is usually messy. It is extremely common for road blocks to be thrown up in your life, but these are actually tests to give yourself an opportunity to change your habits of behavior. You might lose your job, so you can either be stressed and worried thereby creating yet another repeat of old unhappy events OR you can be grateful because you are being redirected to your true DIVINE higher path which contains your desires. You might lose your spouse, so you can either be devastated or be grateful that you have outgrown that old version of yourself and your Divine spouse is on their way to you. You might find you don't fit in with the same crowd of friends anymore. You might find your preference in music change. You might find people constantly asking what is wrong with you, but in truth you are shifting into your higher and more Divine self that already exists in a higher timeline.
It almost always LOOKS messy in the events that are happening, but you are shaking off your old self and allowing space for your new self to emerge. All is well, my friend. All is well. It is the same path of events we all go through when we decided to take that leap of faith. You are strong enough. You can do this! Allow the old to be removed from your life so you can have space available for the higher to be brought to you in time.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I believe in everything I do. I offer to you a 30 day money back guarantee from the date you are sent the channeling, with funds returned through the same payment service you originally used, subject to any fee retained by PayPal or Stripe.
Channeled Message
One (1) channeled video OR one (1) written message.
On average 20 minutes for video channeling OR 3-4 pages of written channeling.
Channeled message will be emailed to you usually within seven (7) days from keren@kerenquennel.com. Remember to check your spam/trash filter.
1 - Decide if you want the video channeling or the written channeling.
2 - Purchase channeling through PayPal or Stripe buttons below. Click on either the PayPal or the Stripe blue buttons below. Choose the quantity of channelings desired on the Check-Out screen.
3 - Submit your question using the contact form below.
4 - Channeled message will be emailed to you by keren@kerenquennel.com within 7 days (check your spam folder). Please contact us if you do not receive your email within 7 days.
US$199 per VIDEO channeling, payment through PayPal or Stripe.
US$129 per WRITTEN channeling, payment through PayPal or Stripe.
30 day money back guarantee from the date the channeling is sent to you.
Channeled message will be emailed by keren@kerenquennel.com to you directly or uploaded to Google Drive if file is too large for email.
All information and guidance provided by Keren Quennel is not professional medical advice and should be considered as entertainment. Please see a professional practitioner if you feel it is best.