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Tips/Donations Of Appreciation

Wayshowers and the Great Unknown

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As a Wayshower, I have lived a different life. The Wanderer-Wayshower lifestyle is not for everyone; however it has realigned me with my True Self. It is the life of freedom; being ready to move wherever SourceGod guides me.

Wayshowers walk into new territory to demonstrate that survival, fear and limitation are illusions. I have placed complete and total surrendering of myself to SourceGod, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind (whatever label you choose to call "It") in order to guide others and create a path in the unknown. I live a life dedicated to expansion of new thoughts while releasing all societal teachings. I question ALL societal teachings and norms, and create my own through Divine inspiration. I have deliberately chosen to accept the unknown and uncomfortable as my True life, and surrender to the Divine to take me where I can experience Divine Love in its TRUEST form. I teach through my own personal experiences and visions. 

We make it easier for others to face their challenges by going ahead on the path first. Transformation of our consciousness requires that we direct our energy and funds into heart-singing endeavors which assist others.

Enlightenment, Ascension, personal growth, and evolution of consciousness means we send energy to wherever we feel spiritually inspired to do so. We vote for what we want with our money/energy. Sending energy (money) to our teachers/leaders/Wayshowers is a large part of this process. 


If my free services assist your journey, simply honor it with an exchange. Living by the Golden Rule changes our lives to be in Service-To-Others.

Donations (or as I prefer the term "tips" because it feels more fun!) are graciously accepted via Paypal, Stripe, Patreon, Buy Me A Coffee, or YouTube. Cryptocurrencies are also greatly appreciated. If you are a Brave user, you can set my YouTube or Twitter pages as an auto-contribute with your BAT rewards.







Thank you once again!

In Love, Light and Service,


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Keren Quennel - Evolve Your Consciousness

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All information and guidance provided by Keren Quennel is not professional medical advice but should be used as entertainment. Please see a professional practitioner if you feel it is best.


Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ to those shown on this site. Spiritual guidance is an approach to treatment that focuses on resolving significant past events believed to be interfering with a person's present mental and emotional wellness. Only people with sound mental health who are confident that a review of past events will not adversely impact their emotional or mental health should participate. We request that you do not participate in spiritual guidance if you or your treating practitioners have any past or existing concerns about your mental health.

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spiritual guide, spiritual teacher, energy healer , reiki , intuitive , psychic medium, channeler and medium, metaphysical teacher, spiritual teacher , channeler and medium, ascension symptoms, life coach, spiritual medium, transformational guide, transformational coach, new thought movement, sage

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