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Starseed/Old Soul Reconnection

Do you believe you are an Old Soul or a Starseed? You are not alone. Since you are reading these words or are drawn to my YouTube channelings, you are most likely a Starseed or an Old Soul. Yes, there is a major difference, but these two beautiful Beings work together like Twin Flames.


You are not alone. Please look at the two posts on my blog regarding Starseeds. Although you may feel completely alone, like nobody ever has or ever will understand you, there are others like you. You are beginning to wake up. It is time to speak to someone about what is occurring.


If you have a deep, inner feeling and knowingness that you don't fit in, don't be frightened. There are many here at this moment in time who are part of the same courageous mission. If you have a fascination with the stars, UFO's, ETs, have  awakened spiritually, find your life is in turmoil, have an urgent need to be of service to mankind, find you are hearing or seeing things, or any combination of these "symptoms," then you may indeed be from another star system. 

Take heart, Starseed. You have long endured the human trial and have finally begun to awaken to your true nature and purpose. As you go through your day-to-day struggles, know in your heart that you are transmuting all the negative, dysfunctional patterns you have willingly become by taking on the human form. This in turn makes it easier for those who are human to follow your lead.  Although you may not remember it at this time, you agreed to do this to assist the Earth in her birthing process into the Light and to liberate the souls who have lost their way on this planet. That is why you are here. That is your mission of love and service.

But what if you are an Old Soul? You feel most of the same issues that Starseeds experience, except you are more comfortable being human to the point of choosing to have children. The Old Soul has been incarnating since the time of Mu (Lemuria). 


The Starseed and Old Soul are working together to bring the ancient knowledge of Light and Love back to the unawakened consciousness.


Let's have a discussion about what you are experiencing, how you are not alone, and you will be provided with lots of information that will trigger your awakening to a faster and much higher level of Light.

What To Expect:

This is a session where it is primarily a conversation between you and I, and with some channeling. We share our experiences and memories. Some information may be offered as a channeled message from a Spirit Guide member, but know that you will NOT be told anything about where your Galactic origins are from as that goes against your free-will. You must discover that on your own. But through discussing what I have experienced and seen, I can offer to you all of my personal experience with various Galactics and Angelics and I can offer channeled messages from them if They feel it is for your highest good to receive the messages. Everything that we discuss is Light-encoded for your activations, all which will be given through internal imagery and returning memories over the following days and weeks from our session. I encourage you to begin meditating as soon as you are able following our session, and notice the new imagery and feelings and symbols that will be given to you in your meditations. Be conscious of a single word or a single name that begins to pop into your thoughts on a regular basis (regardless of how silly it might be spelled or sound). Enjoy the journey to your next level of consciousness evolution!

How to order a session?


Decide if you want a 30 minute session, 1 hour session, or a 2 hour session. Then click on the blue PayPal "Order 30 Minute Session" or "Order 1 Hour Session" or "Order 2 Hour Session" button. After submitting your payment, you will receive an email that contains additional information and the link to the private calendar. You can schedule your session directly through that private calendar.

Note: Due to numerous requests, I have extended the number of days to use the sessions to 90 (3 months) for any session that is gifted for others. If you are gifting this session, please contact me with the recipient's name and email address. Thank you to everyone who offers these sessions as gifts and presents to beloved friends and family members.

Private Online Session with Keren


  • One private online session with Keren Quennel.

  • Immediate email sent to you with INSTANT access to the private calendar for scheduling (check your spam/trash filters). Contact if you do not receive an email within 24 hours.

  • Session must be used within 60 days of purchase (2 months).

  • If this session is being gifted to a loved one, the session is extended to be used within 90 days of purchase.

  • Unlimited rescheduling of session within 60 days of purchase.


  • Payment through PayPal.

  • 30 day money back guarantee.

  • All information and guidance provided by Keren Quennel is not professional medical advice and should be considered as entertainment. Please see a professional practitioner if you feel it is best.

  • Online video session is held through Google Meet as it is a free online video service that does not need anything to be installed.

  • Sessions are NOT recorded. It is recommended you use your own screen/audio recording program, which most computers/laptops have recording software already preinstalled.

  • Your session is not booked until you receive a confirmation email.

  • 1 hour sessions go by VERY quickly because we are interacting with the quantum realm. It will feel like only 10 or 15 minutes has passed when the entire session is over.


  • 30 Minute Session - US$299. 

  • 60 Minute Session - US$399. 

Keren Quennel - Evolve Your Consciousness

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy​

All information and guidance provided by Keren Quennel is not professional medical advice but should be used as entertainment. Please see a professional practitioner if you feel it is best.


Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ to those shown on this site. Spiritual guidance is an approach to treatment that focuses on resolving significant past events believed to be interfering with a person's present mental and emotional wellness. Only people with sound mental health who are confident that a review of past events will not adversely impact their emotional or mental health should participate. We request that you do not participate in spiritual guidance if you or your treating practitioners have any past or existing concerns about your mental health.

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©2024 by Keren Quennel

spiritual guide, spiritual teacher, energy healer , reiki , intuitive , psychic medium, channeler and medium, metaphysical teacher, spiritual teacher , channeler and medium, ascension symptoms, life coach, spiritual medium, transformational guide, transformational coach, new thought movement, sage

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