Energy Healing (Cleaning) Session
This is an energetic cleaning and NOT a physical healing. Please consult a medical practitioner for your medical issue.
An energy healing session is what we all need from time to time. There is no such thing as "healing" but instead it should be called "cleaning". The healing is up to you in order to ensure that the low vibration that caused the dis-ease does not return. But in the meantime, getting all of the old and stagnant energy removed from your body will help you in emotionally healing your thought patterns.
Healing can be done in person or remotely. Energy is quantum and therefore does not adhere to our 3rd dimensional concepts of space/time.
What can you expect? At this time all sessions are done remotely. As such:
Immediately prior to our session starting, I ask you to set your intention. Place both hands on your heart center and repeat out loud with feeling "I hereby declare my intention to relax and trust in Source. I know Source LOVES me deeply and gives me everything that I Am ready to receive. I hereby command and decree that I allow myself to surrender all limiting thoughts and beliefs to Source and allow myself to relax into the Divine Healing that is mine. I allow myself to become calm, peaceful, and relaxed. I allow myself to release what no longer serves me. I command and decree that crystalline Divine Pure Source liquid Light flows over me and through me, purifying my body of all stress and strain, rejuvenating my cells. So it is." I encourage you to repeat this multiple times with FEELING. Get yourself to the point where you FEEL the love flowing through you.
We will be connected via video chat.
I will ask you to lay down and become relaxed, just as if you were to have a massage so please ensure you are in a quiet room that has a bed, sofa, or a blanket on the floor. You are to be relaxed and at peace the entire time, so please ensure you make yourself comfortable.
You may listen to very quiet relaxation music in the background, provided you are still able to hear me on our video chat.
If you have a white sheet, blanket, or even a white shirt, then lay that over top of you. The white helps you to visualize the crystalline Divine Holy White Light flowing over you and through you.
If you have any incense or essential oils that you use for meditating then those would be recommended you use as well.
If you have any crystals or any gold jewelry, then please place one on your forehead and any remaining pieces on your chest.
I will connect with you energetically and clean out your old and stuck energy.
The entire time, you are to be visualizing the most beautiful, sparkling, crystalline Divine Holy White liquid Light flowing over you and through you, purifying your body of all stress and strain, rejuvenating your cells. Some people like thinking of sitting under a healing waterfall, or maybe floating in a healing lake. Just make sure you are feeling relaxed, safe, secure, and LOVED (because you are!). The crystalline Divine Holy White Light that will be flowing over you and through you contains healing codes, which you might see in your imagination as sacred geometry symbols or mathematical equations.
If you feel so inspired, you could repeat in your mind "I AM Light, I AM Love, I AM." This is a perfectly harmonious statement that connects you directly to Source.
I will be talking out loud to my Light Team and to Source and also channeling so you might hear an entire conversation.
Quite often I have found Light Language is flowed through me while the cleaning is happening, as such I might start singing tones.
Remember, this is Divine Healing, so you are to be relaxed, and feeling peaceful, safe, secure, and LOVED. Throughout the session, keep remembering how LOVED you are! Because you are LOVED! Take deep breaths. Hold a gentle smile on your lips. And KNOW you are LOVED.
There have been times where a person has asked for a healing, but they energetically hold on to the stagnant energy because subconsciously they are not ready to be healed because they are fearful of what will happen in their life if they become healthy again. Please ensure you are ready to release whatever it is you are holding on to emotionally prior to booking this session.
In the days leading up to our session together, I encourage you to do some meditations and visualizations in order to prep your subconscious to allow the healing to take place. Here are two meditations from YouTube that are quite short and are very effective, both of which I highly recommend listening to: The Honest Guys and Progressive Hypnosis.
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