Hero's Journey Session

The Scientific Approach to Personal Development
(mentor-student style, no channeling)
What is the Hero's Journey? The Hero's Journey is a classic theme of tales and lore that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.
The Hero’s Journey is a quest for self-transformation, for creative rebirth. It is a quest that must be done alone, learning to look inside instead of outside one's self. If you are reading these words, then you have already begun your Hero's Journey. This is now the part where you meet your guide who will help you on your quest.
Are there issues in your life that you are struggling with? Do you have philosophical questions that you'd really like to answer? Do you have relationship challenges at home? Inter-personal challenges at work? Or you are looking for a new perspective on your life? Are you more comfortable using scientific and non-spiritual terminology and methods?
As your guide on your Hero's Journey, I will listen, provide clues, offer suggestions from a new perspective, and ask you questions that you have not asked yourself. I utilize all methods of transformational therapy available to me; standard psychology, energy psychology, consciousness, cognitive, emotional, and intuitive. I deliberately keep our session focused upon the scientific terminology and methods. Remember, this is NOT professional therapy, but instead is a discussion between two friends, so it should be used as entertainment ONLY; take what feels right and leave the rest! If you feel you need professional assistance, then please consult a medical practitioner.
The most important part of the Hero's Journey is for you to have a very special kind of conversation with your SELF. The kind of conversation where the person that you normally think you are takes that opportunity to truly look within to see what has been hidden and carried forward your entire life. This is where you begin your own Personal Development. All answers are within yourself, but sometimes we have ignored them so long we don't even see them. This is the role of your guide, to prepare you for and facilitate this conversation.
What To Expect
The Hero's Journey Sessions will involve gently looking into your memories and your belief systems to find the origins of your triggers and then put together a plan for you to work from to create new belief systems and form new habits. We sometimes need to know why we have put up blocks to protect ourselves, so we can demolish them and grow.
At the start, I will ask you what questions/issues you would like to discuss in our session. From there, I will begin to ask questions based off of your body language, your choice of vocabulary used, and my intuition and then follow your responses from there. Be ready for lots and lots of questions. I act as a mirror for you. This session has NO channeling.
If so guided, I will offer specialized recommendations for you to do on your own once you leave the session, but will not tell you what you have to do. There is no "right" way to heal and grow; it is full of different options and different paths. You must learn to follow your own heart and do what you feel is best for you, which is why I will offer a variety of options. I might recommend a specific book or author for you to read, a visualization for you to use, provide you an EFT, or a specific affirmation, but it will be your responsibility to push yourself to do the work. My goal is for you to want to heal yourself. The Hero's Journey is to go down the path yourself, ask for help when you need it, and learn to release fear, because you know deep down it is time for YOU to take back YOUR sovereignty.
It's time to begin the next phase of your quest.
How to order a session?
Decide if you want a 1 hour session or a 2 hour session. Then click on the blue PayPal "Order 1 Hour Session" or "Order 2 Hour Session" button. After submitting your payment, you will receive an email that contains additional information and the link to the private calendar. You can schedule your session directly through that private calendar.
Note: Due to numerous requests, I have extended the number of days to use the sessions to 90 (3 months) for any session that is gifted for others. If you are gifting this session, please contact me with the recipient's name and email address. Thank you to everyone who offers these sessions as gifts and presents to beloved friends and family members.
Private Online Session with Keren
One private online session with Keren Quennel.
Immediate email sent to you with INSTANT access to the private calendar for scheduling (check your spam/trash filters). Contact if you do not receive an email within 24 hours.
Session must be used within 60 days of purchase (2 months).
If this session is being gifted to a loved one, the session is extended to be used within 90 days of purchase.
Unlimited rescheduling of session within 60 days of purchase.
Payment through PayPal.
30 day money back guarantee.
All information and guidance provided by Keren Quennel is not professional medical advice and should be considered as entertainment. Please see a professional practitioner if you feel it is best.
Online video session is held through Google Meet as it is a free online video service that does not need anything to be installed.
Sessions are NOT recorded. It is recommended you use your own screen/audio recording program, which most computers/laptops have recording software already preinstalled.
Your session is not booked until you receive a confirmation email.
1 hour sessions go by VERY quickly because we are interacting with the quantum realm. It will feel like only 10 or 15 minutes has passed when the entire session is over.
30 Minute Session - US$299.
60 Minute Session - US$399.