Cleaning is a permanent part of being in physical form. Cleaning our physical bodies, cleaning our physical environments, Gaia cleaning her body, the Seasons clean the plants, etc... We don't just have one shower and then think we will be clean forever. Even our bodies are constantly cleaning itself after we eat by removing waste all the time.
Cleaning our vibration is a permanent part of being in physical form too.
Why am I saying this? Most of us believe that if we do 1 meditation to "fix" something in our lives, then it should be done permanently. Most of the people that I talk to in my sessions have told me how they have done a meditation to let something go, or to heal their health, or to comfort their inner child, etc., and they don't know why they still have unresolved issues after they did that one meditation. Usually, if we know that we have something that we need "fixed" then you can imagine that vibration as permanent marker on your body. You will need to scrub and scrub many many different times to get that permanent marker off of your skin. The same with your vibration. If you see an event in your life causing you a vibrational disharmony, then that event is the permanent marker on your vibration. You will need to meditate (or use affirmations) over and over many many times before you finally wash away that permanent marker on your vibration. You do the meditation over and over, knowing that each time you do it you are removing more and more of that permanent marker vibration.
But why is cleaning our vibration a constant thing? Think about how our physical bodies get dirty. If we stay in bed and don't move, we generally will remain pretty clean and probably don't need to have a shower each day. But, if we are out in Nature, going for hikes, exercising, etc., then the more we do the dirtier we get. The same with our Vibrational bodies. The more people we are around, the dirtier we get. The more we create in our lives, the dirtier we get. The more we experience, the dirtier we get! But this is a good thing!!!! However, what happens if we stopped cleaning ourselves?
This is why most new businesses don't last. The person gets all excited about starting a new business (super high vibration!) and they are thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it (basically meditating or using affirmations over and over for many many many days/weeks/months). Then once their business has started, they NO LONGER ARE DOING THOSE WONDERFUL THOUGHTS because they are no longer planning and creating since they were able to manifest their desire! All of a sudden, that momentum that they had generated from all of that planning and thinking is no longer being powered, so the MOMENTUM STOPS! This means the customers stop. And then that person starts thinking thoughts of lack, so they are now creating reverse momentum. So what is the solution for this type of thing? The type of thoughts need to change from planning and creating to the next phase of their business. The person put all of their expectations of how they would feel ONCE they created/had their business, but never thought about how they would feel AFTER they created their business,. Basically, they got all excited about receiving their new toy, but once they got their toy and played with it for a couple of days, they aren't as happy as they thought they would be. So, the person with the new business now needs to start visualizing their business growing and expanding, changing the focus FROM starting the business TO growing the business. Ideas for this situation? Bless the business!!!! Bless it, bless it, bless it. "Through the power of my words, I Bless my business. May all of my customers be Blessed and gifted with SourceGod's LoveLight and may they ALL expand in Love and Light."
We usually get lazy with cleaning what we cannot see. This is why affirmations/meditations are highly recommended to be a daily part of being alive. We need to keep ALL parts of us clean.
What do I do?
- While laying in bed before falling asleep:
- I visualize swimming in a pool or standing under a waterfall of liquid crystalline white LoveLight, I feel it and see it penetrate all parts of me and have it clean and smooth out my energy/vibration and also go into each cell of my body and I see that cell regenerate. Doesn't take long, just a minute or so. But I feel SOOOOO good once I had that "bath" lol. I think falling asleep feeling clean is wonderful!
- Once I feel clean, I send out a shockwave of Light energy from me, to clean my local environment. After I do that shockwave of Light, everything around me seems to be sparkly-clean. That shockwave seems to create a bubble around my environment and that bubble looks like a crystal-sparkly bubble.
- Then I send out a shockwave through and around Gaia to give her and everyone and everything a nice cleaning.
- While feeling clean and relaxed (still laying in bed before I fall asleep), this is when I visualize my life to create the blueprint of it, specifically the way I expect to feel in my life with specific events and situations.
Blessings of LoveLight to you ALL! (hugs)