A few years ago, I started to write down any important meditations, any important thoughts, and anything that was a EURIKA moment. We always think we will remember these important moments in our spiritual journey, but as I look back at things that I wrote, they are memories that feel like they are from a dream.
The following is a journal entry that I found from 4 years ago today:
Had the most amazing meditation experience today.
First, while meditating with my husband in the morning before he went to work, I had a breakthrough. I understood how important it is to match the vibration of my rockets of desire, as Abraham says ("rockets"). I related it to the Marco Polo game. If I am only shouting out Marco in very quiet and brief intervals, it is harder and takes longer to find me. But if I shout at the top of my lungs for a very loooooong time, then my rockets can find me very quickly. So if I keep practising the frequency of my rockets, then it's the same as screaming Marco.
Secondly, while in the bathtub, my cell phone and tablet were both drained of batteries. So I sat in there bored... trying to figure out how to meditate without any music or guided meditations. After a while of being blank, I had the most amazing sentence enter my mind.... with each breath, my vibration is tuning into that of my rockets. WOW!!!!! I meditated on that for 30 minutes ... at one point coming to tears because of the joy it produced! It was amazing! 20 minutes later, I'm still vibrating :) Thank you so much for sending that sentence into my thoughts :)
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I hope this little snippet into my spiritual growth helps. Love and blessings to all.
In loving service, I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT, I AM.