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Stargate Ascension Symptoms

Writer's picture: Keren QuennelKeren Quennel

Hello my beautiful friends!

We have been in a Stargate since July 23rd. And another one will be starting shortly. Where we are in the cosmos means we have Stargate after Stargate after Stargate. There are no more breaks. Once upon a time, there was a Stargate every few months or so. Now, they are just back to back.

Depending upon how you interpret energy, there are a variety of different ways that you will be experiencing the Stargates.

For me personally, this is what I've been feeling:

Exhaustion, constantly waking up when trying to sleep, extremely vivid and weird dreams, confusion, inability to think (foggy brain), dizziness, female monthly hormone cycles are interrupted, buddha belly, change in diet (again), old emotions coming to the surface to be cleansed and released, and (this is the really cool one) when you close your eyes you can see the energy from the Stargate. What I see when I close my eyes, it looks like I'm flying through hyperspace, they way they have it in Sci-Fi movies. But it is more than just that. The darkness has a 3D look to it (the kind of 3D where you wear those red and blue glasses to make a flat picture have dimensions).

Seeing the Stargate energy when I close my eyes is my favorite part of Stargates. But, it definitely is getting tiring.

But this is the time to release everything that is no longer serving you!!! This is why your emotions will be hyper charged. You are to look at EVERYTHING in your life. EVERYTHING!!!! This is because you cannot take anything that no longer serves you into the higher frequencies. And, between you and I, we have been messed up our entire lives. So, basically, almost everything about ourselves needs to be released.

This is the time to become the version of ourselves we want to be. This is the time to drop our old identities. This is the time to start acting the way we want to act to be the person we want to be.

I have been having non-stop communications from my LightTeam. Non-Stop!!!! Everything about myself is being analyzed. My key advice to you, ASK your LightTeam or God or Source (or whomever you have a connection with) to show you what it is you need to recognize, heal, forgive and let go. And at that moment, a very brief and faint feeling or image or memory will pop into your mind for just a second. It is so faint you might ignore it, but THAT is the one you need to look at.

As a heads-up, absolutely every single belief we have in our life is from our childhood. Yup. I know it's hard to believe, but unless we have deliberately sat ourselves down and healed a specific belief, then EVERYTHING that we believe is derived from our childhood.

For example, why do we take vitamins or eat "healthy" food? Because we think that we will get sick without them. So that then means we believe our Divine bodies are innately flawed and weak. So that then means we believe our bodies are always having an underlying current of lack within them. This then means we believe that we are victims. that something outside of ourselves is stronger and more powerful than our Divine Selves are and that we should be in fear. Now where did we learn this? Why do we believe that our bodies can get harmed by something? When we are babies, we put everything in our mouths. Everything!!! It is not until there is an adult around us that then takes it out of our mouths and tells us that we should not do that because we could get sick. Boom! Right there at that moment, we have the program instilled in us that we are vulnerable. And from that moment on, we live in a state of fear that our Divine bodies are fragile, that we are vulnerable, that we are susceptible, that we are victims always running from bad things happening to us.

We are all children walking around in grown-up bodies, but our consciousness has remained that of when we had child bodies.

These Stargates WILL ABSOLUTELY be bringing up old emotions. It WILL be intense. But that is ok and good. Take this time to recognize that our child behavior and beliefs are being brought to the surface by our Divine Higher Self (THANK YOU!!!). Ask ourselves WHY do I feel like this? What happened in my life to make me feel this way? How can I see this situation in a new way.

You are doing wonderful, my dear beautiful friends!!!! This is a tough time for us leading the way for the mass consciousness. This is why we chose to be here at this time. To do all of this work first, on behalf of the mass consciousness. And you are doing AMAZING things!!!! I Am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!

Keep it up! Remember, you don't need to be doing some huge "spiritual" mission in order to feel important. You don't need to be doing anything right now, other than healing yourself!!! That is your mission right now. Focus upon creating and manifesting the life of your dreams. That is it! Don't worry if you want to be doing something for all of humanity in a spiritual way. That is not where you need to be focusing. That will come later.

For right now, your only spiritual job is to focus upon healing yourself. Take the time to go deep within and see what created your beliefs and behaviors from your childhood. Look for the patterns in your life. Ask your Divine guidance to show you the patterns in your life that you need to recognize. Sit down and create the lifeplan of your dreams. Then visualize the desires as being in your present moment, and then live each single day having as much fun as possible, which will manifest them into existence.

And, this is the big one, just RELAX!!!! Have fun and relax!

I love you so much!!! Blessings of LoveLight to you ALL!!!


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Keren Quennel - Evolve Your Consciousness

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spiritual guide, spiritual teacher, energy healer , reiki , intuitive , psychic medium, channeler and medium, metaphysical teacher, spiritual teacher , channeler and medium, ascension symptoms, life coach, spiritual medium, transformational guide, transformational coach, new thought movement, sage

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