This is a piece of advice I offered to one of my beautiful Patreon subscribers (soul friend). I hope this helps you too!
I find it takes me much more time to release a vibration than people think it does. Most people think if they do a meditation, then that will release an old low vibration. For me, nope.
I noticed a low vibration in myself this morning... I recognized my expectations about something did not match my desires about it. So, I just spent 3 HOURS of sitting on a park bench talking out loud, crying, talking, crying, asking myself questions, recognizing that I wasn't feeling any love or joy, and working at it constantly coming at the issue from all different ways.
And then all of a sudden... poof! Just like that, my jaw dropped open and I figured it out.
Scientifically, I was trying to create new connections in my brain to see things in a new way, and it took me many many many times of doing it over and over and in different ways until I finally made the network connection in my head.
And now that low vibration has just disappeared and I feel amazing!
Just wanted you to know the process that I go through to actually clean things up. I spent years doing the tiptoe thing of meditating and hoping and wishing here and there. But finally I realized that I just needed to buckle down and fix it... make the decision to fix it right then and there, and I wasn't going to stop until I fixed it.
I made the DECISION to not leave that spot, to not move, until I figured it out. It truly is amazing what our paradigms do in order to keep us feeling comfortable. But comfortable is why we have old low vibrations in the first place. Comfortable stems from our childhood. Comfortable means conformity. Comfortable means stagnation. Comfortable means miserable. Make the DECISION to do whatever it takes, to feel whatever you need to feel, to ask yourself whatever questions you have been avoiding... it is worth it. I know my dreams are worth it. And I know yours are too.
Blessings of LoveLight to you!