Weird day today....
Woke up... no birds singing. Weird. No sounds at all actually. No kids, no dogs, nothing.
The air was super heavy this morning. Felt just bizarre and heavy.
My best friend and I were having MAJOR issues today. We've known each other for a decade, and issues that we thought had been resolved came flooding back today, grander than ever. To the point where we thought our friendship was off.
My dog has not gone poo all day.
There are flying ants all over. I mean... everywhere. No matter where I've walked or driven... there are flying ants all over the ground.
I saw a momma bear and her two cubs only about 10 feet from me. She looked right at my fur-baby and I ... sniffed... and kept walking.
I saw a momma dear and her two babies walking in an open field. She saw us and did not care.. she just kept walking and her babies stayed sort of close. She was not very far away and was what I would consider to be within a dangerously close range to where we were... normally dear would run at that range.
I saw a boy dear with his antlers sitting next to a building completely in view.
I saw another female dear only about 10 feet from my fur-baby and I as we were out walking. It did not move. It just stood there and let us walk by while I talked to it the entire time.
On a side note, all is good with my best friend and I. I was able to walk myself through the steps of how to notice what it is you are creating since you create everything in your existence. Once I recognized what was going on, I then had to take ownership of what I had created. Nothing is as frustrating when you want to blame someone else for treating you so poorly and cruelty, but you know all about Law of Attraction and you can actually pin point precisely the thoughts you were thinking that created that interaction with the other person. LOL But that is also the great thing about Law of Attraction... you can fix all of your problems in an instant, ONCE you take ownership of your thoughts and resulting manifestations.
Just wanted to let you know how weird today was, in case you had a weird day too.
Blessings of Lovelight to you ALL!!!!